Premium Quality Graphics Drivers
Xi Graphics' graphics driver and X server products deliver high performance while maintaining high quality. Fifteen years of experience in developing software for the newest graphics chips probably qualifies our team as expert in the field.
Challenging Tasks Our Forte
The easy graphics sub-system tasks can be done by others, given enough time. The more technically difficult requirements - usually with tight time schedules - often wind up at Xi Graphics after others have "broken their pick."
Summit Products Conform
Xi Graphics' Summit Series products conform to industry standards, including, but not limited to, specifications for the X Window System and OpenGL, and are tested for conformance across a broad range of graphics cards, computer platforms and kernels.
Graphics Hardware Experts
Having developed graphics drivers for several hundred graphics cards and dozens of graphics chip architectures, Xi Graphics has become very familiar with the details of graphics hardware, to the point that we sometimes find (and work around) hardware bugs missed by the chip developer. This hardware knowledge is important when it comes to designing good graphics drivers.
Quick Response Development
Our highly portable internally-developed code base, coupled with our extensive experience with many graphics chips, CPUs and OSs, allows us to provide very fast turnaround on time-critical projects without sacrificing software quality or performance.
Long Term Programs
Commercial Products and/or Military Programs that need quality, sable graphics, and that have life spans of several to many years can be a challenge to Product and Program Managers. Xi Graphics can provide long term specialized maintenance and support of such products/programs.
OpenGL ARB Extensions
Since Xi Graphics has developed its own hardware-accelerated OpenGL rendering pipelines, we can add one or more particular ARB extensions required for your project.
FDA Certified System Support
As part of Xi Graphics' services available for long-lived graphics intensive medical systems, graphics code bases can be isolated and maintained separately from the constantly changing graphics environment, providing stability of code, and traceability of changes, etc.
Real-time Systems Accelerated-X
Xi Graphics' hardware-accelerated 2D and OpenGL code is fast and (code) efficient, and can be used with RTOS kernels that need strong graphics performance. This requires careful analysis of latency, execute times, system requirements, and so on. but the higher performance of the Accelerated-X code, might be appropraate.
Dedicated Systems
Most computer systems are used in a "general purpose" environment where many different (and changing) applications are used. Dedicated systems generally are designed to do one application, and do it very well. Casino gaming systems and medical IC systems are just two examples. Dedicated systems can sometimes benefit significantly from optimizations of the graphics sub-system software.